LinkedIn Post – Data Cleaning

Continuing previous post on survey data in Excel, Splitter provides functions to help identify error in the data in order to clean it. The video shows how to clean survey data in Excel using example from the last post.

The link post on LinkedIn here.

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Battery U & A Study – Indonesia

Kuesioner ini mengenai study penggunaan dan attitude terhadap merek-merek batu baterai di Indonesia yang dilakukan di beberapa kota besar. Terdapat pertanyaan mengenai awareness, merek yang digunakan, alasan pemilihan, kebiasaan pembelian, attribute importance dan brand image.

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Battery U & A Study

The questionnaire is about usage and attitude towards battery brands in Indonesia conducted in major cities. Contains questions about awareness, brand used, reasons to use, purchase habit, attribute importance and brand image.

To view click here, to copy click here.

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LinkedIn Post – Numeric Coding

Following up last post on survey data entry in Excel, where data entered can be ‘code’ that is number representing text, text or numeric. Now on numeric coding for analysis by Splitter. Numeric answers need to be ‘coded’ first by specifying what interval of values (less than/between/more than/equal to) to use, later these intervals are used by Splitter as categories. Multiple values in a cell is allowed, just separate each numeric value with a comma sign.

The link post on LinkedIn here.

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LinkedIn Post – Survey Data Entry and Analysis Using Excel

Previous posts showed how to use Splitter to analyze survey data in Excel downloaded from Google Forms or exported from Survey Monkey. Splitter can also handle survey data entered in Excel from survey using pen paper, ie row for respondents and column for question answers. For multiple answer separate each answer with a comma sign-within the column question, Data entered can be ‘code’ that is number representing text, text (such as in other mention or open question), mixed or numeric.

The link post on LinkedIn here.

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LinkedIn Post – Splitter Handles Survey Monkey Data

In previous post, Survey Monkey survey data in Excel is rearranged to follow Google Forms format to allow Splitter to do deep dive. One of Splitter key function is to handle question with multiple answers. It splits multiple values/contents in a cell by splitting it into its individual value/content. Google Forms uses comma sign to separate each answer in multiple answer question. And since we also use comma the same way in writing, ie to separate clauses/items (I like the brand because price is cheap, good build quality, large screen, upgradable OS, long battery life), Splitter can be used to analyze open end question.

The link post on LinkedIn here.

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LinkedIn Post – Survey Monkey and Google Forms Excel Data Format

In Survey Monkey website, there is an example of Survey Monkey survey raw data exported to Excel, a copy can be downloaded here. As mentioned in previous post, question with multiple answer is the main reason you can not use Pivot Table, notice that question with multiple answers are separated into multiple column, the common survey data format in Excel. Had the survey been conducted using Google Forms, the format would’ve looked like a file in my comment. Notice the difference. So if you are using other online survey platform, you need to rearrange the Excel data to follow that of Google Forms in order for Splitter to analyze.

The link post on LinkedIn here.

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LinkedIn Post – Google Forms + Splitter

Question with multiple answers is the main reason why Pivot Table can not be used to analyze survey data in Excel. Common data format in Excel is to separate the multiple answers into multiple columns, requiring complicated formula for calculation, if Excel is used for analysis at all. Google Forms data format is unique and much simpler actually, that it put all answers for a question into one column whether it is a single answer or multiple answers. We have developed Splitter, an Excel add in program, that works just like pivot table to analyze survey data in Excel with format following that of Google Forms.

The post link on LinkedIn here.

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Employee Survey – Indonesia

Umumnya isi utama dari Employee Survey adalah pertanyaan yang menanyakan opini responden yang dijawab menggunakan skala seberapa setuju (contoh: dari Sangat Tidak Setuju ke Sangat Setuju) terhadap kumpulan atribut. Jumlah atribut bisa berkisar antara 40-50, kemudian atribut yang memiliki aspek sama (misal mengenai kerjasama, gaji & benefit, komunikasi, dll) dikelompokkan agar memudahkan saat pengisian. Idealnya atribut didapat dari hasil Focus Group Discussion agar relevan dengan kondisi yang dihadapi.  Hasil dari survey akan mengidentifikasi kinerja company dilihat dari atribut-atribut yang digunakan.

Pertanyaan Net Promoter Score dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan hasil summary.

Untuk melihat kuesioner klik di sini dan untuk meng-copy di sini.

Juga umum dilakukan untuk menambahkan pertanyaan tingkat kepentingan untuk setiap atribut sehingga kita akan mendapatkan matrix importance vs performance.

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Employee Survey

Typical main content for employee survey is questions asking respondent opinion using degree of agreement format (strongly disagree to strongly agree) towards set of attributes. The number of attributes can be around 40-50 and attributes of similar aspects (teamwork, pay & benefit, communication etc) are grouped to make it easy for respondents to fill out. Ideally the attributes are the result from focus group discussion to ascertain relevancy. The survey result will identify company performance in those attributes.

Net Promoter Score question can be used as overall performance.

To view here and to copy here.

Also common is to add importance question for each attribute so that we can have attributes importance vs performance matrix.

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